Monday, December 22, 2014

Antique Russian Imperial pottery

Russian porcelain pottery is considered as an important and unforgeable integral part of the history.It is because  of the manufacturing technique and the material used for the products. Since the pottery was made specially for Imperial court its importance and value can never be challenged...
The Gardner products are  considered as second to Fabergé who used to produce very precious items for the court and are precious and valuable items in the market  because of its rarity ,quality and sophisticated technique used its production.
The above mentioned  images are of  large  Russian Imperial Kuznestof  porcelain  plates which belongs to Tsar period  pre 1917 ,. made  before Russian communist revolution.These have  floral decoration  multicolored paintings..

The authentication has been verified by French valuation experts  from Expertissm France.
The manufacturer stamp can be seen on back of the plate .
In order to get awareness it is important to know the genuineness and originality  of the objects and this can be verified by the signs of wear on the back of the objects which clearly reveals that the object is  not reproduced . In addition to it other signs like scratches and scars may also be available in many cases.
However acquiring knowledge about the objects, historical background identification of seal marks,stamps is also important .
The other important aspect is that of rarity. Mass production pieces are of little importance than specialized products meant specially for imperial court even the Gardner products are still of great importance and the collectors are still searching for them because of their historical background and sophistication.

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