Friday, December 6, 2013

Have you ever thought ?

 Small minds discuss people.

     Average minds discuss events.

        Higher minds discuss ideas.

            Genius act in silence.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Unique Christmas collection for friends and relatives.

As usual different kinds of gifts are offered to friends and relatives on the eve of Christmas celebrations.These gifts are generally, decoration pieces, wearings or jewelery which are either newly  hand crafted or machine made. Although one is obliged to receive such gifts with great pleasure but these have little potential value in fact. Why not to buy a valuable treasure by investing the same amount of money!
How is it possible.
The antiques are not found in abundance nor are regularly produced..These objects are rarely found and with a lot of efforts. There are many types of antiques which can be purchased for Christmas events. Pottery of the ancient times or at least 100 years old with art made from best material of the time which include porcelain made, metal made, terracotta, bronze or gold made.Origins may be China, Europe, USA and Asia.Central Asia and African products are also highly liked by some people.Other categories may include glass  objects , decorated wearings,ancient tools ,art, and coins etc., There are websites selling these antiques but care should be exercised not to buy fake and imitation. Knowledge of the antique brands and artists is a primary requirement before making mind to acquire antiques which besides a great gift is a wise investment.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why to be a freelancer and writer for antiques descriptions.

The present era cannot remain disconnected from the past as long as antiques are discovered and preserved.
Antique objects do require a lot of research about its history and inhabitants culture.Many companies still require a lot of description of the objects to be purchased or sold. In order to facilitate them in developing quality material precise guidelines are given below for new or raw handed entrants. 

Freelance writer is a self employed person who writes according to the requirement of the hirer.He/she is hired as a independent contractor and in some cases is a permanent employee. The freelancer is at liberty to work on any subject for one or many magazines / organizations. The work includes amongst others, journalism, computer related subjects like graphic designs, academic writings ,research and even more creative works.Sir Walter Scott was the pioneer to introduce the name “free- lance”.In his famous tale,“Ivanhoe”, it is attributed to medieval mercenary soldiers who could join temporarily a noble army with no permanent contract. The work could be per hour, per day or per job. The following opportunities are available to a writer.
1.Exposure of capabilities to the outer world.
2.Vision of the writer is developed and polished with the passage of time and experience.
 3.Acquires advanced knowledge and skills. 4.Social contacts are developed with international community. Benefits of work. 1.Writing as a side Job for earning extra money.
 2.No certificate or license is required to initiate freelance working.
 3.There is an unlimited market available for a writer.
4.The work is acknowledged at social media as such the writer potentialities are boosted.
 5.The writer will understand what the time worth is.
 6.Any body can work from any where in the world proving that the world is a global village.
7.The stories transform from words into life for the benefits of world communities and learning.
 8.There are chances for writing a book fetching handsome money.
 9.The writer needs no investment except a personal computer and a camera.
 10.The writer chooses working hours according to his / her convenience.
11.The writer acquires more knowledge about advanced technology.
The above mentioned points indicate how a writer can be benefited from the freelance work.

 Requirements for a good writer.
It is imperative for a writer to select topics related to his field of study. .The mere knowledge of the topic will neither benefit the writer nor the hirer.The main objective to be kept in mind is the cost benefit ratio.The hirer must get what he/she expects to get.The other important point is the time frame fixed for the job, as discipline and punctuality can make the relations stronger amongst the partners .The third point is the provision of quality and up to date information as the hirer cannot go into research detail.Therefore the writer should be honest in providing quality services. The proposed material should be presented in in acceptable format and the contents must be serious and to the point. It should contain no repetition of the sentences. Unnecessary and irrelevant material should be avoided as it creates bad impression.A lot of research and investigation is required to appraise the readers of the correct description.
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